- Monochromatic color scheme is when various shades of one single color is used. This scheme is very easy on your eyes and looks balanced, but if not designed carefully lacks color contrast might not turn as vibrant as the complementary scheme. Check out Candice Olson’s stunning monochromatic bedroom design which is very calming. Other examples below illustrates this scheme as well.
white bedroom: http://www.hgtv.com/
white living room: http://home-interior.blogspot.com/2008/07/make-small-rooms-look-bigger-part-one.html
blue room: http://hueamour.com/2010/04/11/marvelous-monochromatic-rooms/
pink room: http://decorati0ns.net/decoration/category/interior-designs/page/15/
brown room: http://www.houzz.com/photos/71286/Basement-Den-eclectic-family-room-portland
green dining: http://www.positivelybeauty.com/tiny-digs-15-great-tips-to-supersize-your-small-space/
green living room: http://cherishingspaces.blogspot.com/2010/08/monochromatic-scheme.html
grey sofa room: from my house 🙂
Quiet Insightful. Great Article, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to reading more.
home write for us
Lovable interior designing and decoration!
Well, your silver armchair is gorgeous! I will be shopping at Chiasso with some friends this weekend, and I plan to pick it up for my Entertainment room.