Old (“Young”) Man And The Sea
I feel so incredibly blessed and thankful to have Kizhanatham A Jagannathan as my uncle. Our lives are enriched by

My Colorful Finds on Amazon
Hi everyone! Happy Holidays! It’s been a while since I blogged! I’ve been so busy with my nonprofit EdVirtually.org and

Stylish Home Accessories
Hello there! This is the time of the year when pretty colors look even better around the house. It’s also

Repurpose, Reuse and Upcycle
Hello there! Just pause before you throw something away. There might be a way to repurpose an object that you

A Warm Welcome to 2019
Hello Everyone! Happy New Year to you all! Even though, New Year seems to be quite monotonous for our planet

Fresh Flower Bouquets
Hello there! Can’t believe we are in September already! This spring has gone by so quickly. We were too busy

Anna Vasily Designer Tableware
Hello everyone!! I’m always thrilled to introduce artisans who create brilliant handmade gifts. It’s just a perfect addition to my

Refreshing Flower Vases
The sun is bright. Fresh produce is in abundance. Vivid flowers are dancing in wind. I can’t help sharing refreshing flower

Uncommon Gardening
Bumping into one of these photographs in Pinterest got me into gathering the rest on unique gardening. Anything uncommon and

Passionately Made
Bags, bells or scarfs – it just feels good to give back to the artisans and also to fight injustice.

Guest Post – Runway Inspired Decor Ideas To Uplift Your Home
Hello there! I’ve a guest post for you today on “Runway Inspired Decor Ideas To Uplift Your Home”. Do leave

Express Your Love With Photos
It’s almost Valentine’s Day! I can’t believe we are already in February of 2018! Well, for folks who are still