In my previous page, Accessorize your Kitchen, I listed some items that add color and function to your kitchen. In this page, I have pictures of kitchens that are rich in these accessories. You can see how a tea pot on the stove-top, utensil holder on the counter-top, bright kitchen towels that contrast with the wall, fruit bowls on the dining table, a clock, spice rack, canisters, a vase, etc., brighten these kitchens! Even white color accessories can add beauty and function to your kitchen. Don’t hide your kitchen helpers in your cabinets or under the counter anymore, instead, show them off on your counter-top. See examples below.. I hope you like them as much as I do!

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A pretty important functions of one’s kitchen are to store, prepare and cook food and to accomplish related tasks including dryer not heating
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The main functions of a kitchen are to store, prepare and cook food and to complete related tasks such as dryer t heating
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Lovely modern Looks!
The top one feels cosy 🙂
@design traveller – I agree! btw, I am a big fan of your blog 🙂