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Life Science For Visual Learners

Hello Again!

Hello my dearest followers, one and all! It’s been a while since I’ve actively blogged. You must all be wondering what’s going on. Well, here’s why…

I recently co-authored a book for visual learners and also started a company called EdVisually. For more details on this book and the mission of EdVisually, please follow the link at the end of this writeup.

So what led me to this?
Not many of you may know this, but the thing that is nearest and dearest to my heart is helping those who have learning challenges. My younger daughter, a homeschooler on the autism spectrum, inspired and motivated me to create this book last year.

As I began to grow in understanding of how best to help my child learn about the world around her, my passion as an advocate for children with learning challenges grew as well.

There are many learners out there who absorb their information and knowledge visually and depend primarily on non-textual content filled with real life images, illustrations, diagrams, and so on.  While homeschooling my child, I discovered her love for science and the absence of any visually based science curriculum or resource to engage her and expand her knowledge about the world around her. Hence, my journey began to find a solution to this lack. LIFE SCIENCE for Visual Learners  is the first of a series of academic books tailored to meet the curriculum needs of all visual learners of all ages and levels in various subjects.

Being a highly visual learner myself,  I thrive on what captivates my sight. I enjoy interacting with and learning about the world around me in a very visually appealing way. It is what got me started on this path of interior designing. There are many sensory appealing aspects such as color, texture, space, vivid images, or anything else that is beautiful and pleasing in appearance or draws appreciation, value, understanding, and learning.

My co-author and co-founder, Sarah-Jane Sebeni, and I are happy to introduce our latest passion and project to all of you, my dear and trusted followers. Please visit our website for more information. Our book can also be purchased on

Life Science For Visual Learners

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  1. After studying education for a bit I do realize that there are all types of learning styles. And sometimes people move in and out of various ones. Although I would be curious to know whether people with certain conditions gravitate towards certain learning styles.

  2. My partner is definitely a visual learner and would have loved this as a kid. My daughter also loves bright pictures and imagery so may have to check this out for her!

  3. What a beautiful project. Some of my biggest passions in life have stemmed from events that have touched our family. My son was an addict for 6 or 7 years, and I always hold a soft spot in my heart for programs that support addiction in teens. I have a friend who was in a terrible marriage and volunteer at our battered women’s shelter. Those of us who have lived it really know where the needs are in education, helping families and kids, etc .. So nicely done

  4. I really wish public schools could adopt different teaching modalities. The one-size-fits-all just doesn’t work for a lot of kids. And those that are visual learners are usually quite brilliant, but don’t get the support they need.

  5. Congratulations on your book. I know I am a visual learner and my son is too. We homeschool and I will check your book out. We love learning and I have learn myself in the process of homeschooling that colors help my son learn faster. Great news about your book!

  6. Wow, it sounds like you’ve been busy! Yes, we all learn differently and it’s unfortunate that public schools don’t recognize this and provide a broader range of resources. Your book for visual learners looks great and I’m sure it will benefit many.

  7. Is there a study showing the percentage of total population who are visual learners? I guess there are articles tackling about the differences of men and women when it comes to process of learning. It’s interesting to find these out and learn the science behind.