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waterproof bluetooth speakers

Waterproof Bluetooth Speakers Review

Today’s page is all about waterproof Bluetooth speakers. I put these products to the test, and I’m happy to share my thoughts with you today! Both of the speakers I’m featuring are perfect to stream music or take phone calls indoors or outdoors.

waterproof bluetooth speakers

HotelSpa® Slimline Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker is an adorable yet sleek little gadget! It sits on my kitchen window just above my sink, and I don’t even need to worry about water splashing on it! Here in California during this severe water drought, there isn’t any point in having this in my bathroom since we have short showers. Within seconds, this device detects my smartphone and flawlessly streams music. After three full hours, the music resumes back to my smartphone and the speaker stops working. That’s when I use the charging cord that came along with the product to recharge the speaker. BTW, these come in very pretty colors. I have a short video to demonstrate how well this speaker works.

Elivebuy 5 Watt Driver Portable Waterproof Speaker comes with a carabiner clip apart from the suction cup. The clip lets me hang the speaker to my handbag and key chain. This way I’m able to keep it with me all the time, especially when we are outdoors. The buttons are pretty easy to use, and they connect to a Bluetooth device in a snap. The speaker has a 5W audio driver and is completely waterproof. Features include easily accessible buttons for volume, skipping forward and backward, and handsfree talking.  I have another short video to demonstrate how well this speaker works.

Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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  1. inhave a waterproof speaker and I absolutely love the thing!!! I use it in the shower and will be using it poolside this summer!

  2. This would be perfect for our pool/beach bag! I also have a few kids who love listening to music in the tub 🙂

  3. wow.thanx for sharing this post. i absolutly would love to have ne of these bluetooth waterproff speakers.

  4. This sounds like an amazing waterproof speaker indeed. I love how you added the video to show how it worked. It sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  5. We have no radio in our house so it’d be great to have these to listen to our favourite music. These would be great for bath time 🙂

  6. How cool are these Bluetooth speakers, I have never had any before and I am loving them both. I love listening to music when I am bathing its fun

  7. This is so perfect for the beach. You get to have a speaker for your music without the fear of being wet.

  8. looks like an amazing product. i’ve been thinking of looking into waterproof speakers bc i love singing in the shower.. haha but i don’t know if our neighbors would appreciate it! 😛

  9. I would totally love one of these either in my kitchen or outside by the pool! I love listening to music while I cook 🙂

  10. Those are really cool! I have like a dozen bluetooth speakers, but I don’t think I have any that are waterproof yet. They’re super cute too!

  11. I wonder id this would help my Mom hear her music better then she is now. Will be checking this out for sure.

  12. That is really awesome, I’d love to have this waterproof bluetooth speaker, I love listening music too.

  13. Now that really is neat that it has a carabiner. It certainly does make it more portable, but the waterproof feature and the bright colors put it over the top!

  14. Post comment

    Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says:

    I wold love one of these. I always listen to music as I clean and this would be perfect to go room to room with me.

  15. WOW! New gadget… everyday there’s always something new with technology. This is so small, cute and cheap! Not to mention, if even sounds amazing for its size. Perfect gift to someone who likes to camp, lay on the beach, and travel.