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Brilliant Colors Of The Butterflies

Butterflies are one of the most mesmerizing species in the world. I can’t stop watching them flutter. While physicists are trying to uncover how subtle differences in the crystals of butterfly wings create stunningly varied patterns of color, we designers can count on these for color inspirations! I feel sad when I hear about butterfly populations declining. Let’s hope these thrive for generations to come. I’ve also written on brilliant colors toucans and colors in fall season– all in appreciation of the spectacular colors of “Mother Nature”.

Colorful Butterflies

Colorful Butterflies
Colorful Butterflies
Colorful Butterflies
Colorful Butterflies
Colorful Butterflies
Colorful Butterflies
Colorful Butterflies
Colorful Butterflies
Colorful Butterflies
Colorful Butterflies

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  1. I absolutely adore butterflies – you’ve shared some gorgeous varieties – I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  2. Gorgeous! I got some good butterfly shots a few years back from a butterfly staying around long enough for me to do so and I still remember the magic feeling / they are so special 🙂

    You have such a wonderful variety in this post…Nature’s Jewels 🙂

  3. WOW there is some beautiful butterflies there, we have a few common ones in our garden but we really could do with some more plants that they love in the garden to encourage more

    1. Thank you Stephi for stopping by and commenting.. hope you get these rare butterflies too 🙂

  4. How pretty! 🙂 We don’t get too many butterflies where I live…so it’s nice to see this post! 🙂

    Thanks for joining the Link Up!

    1. I rarely see butterflies here, but remember seeing tons growing up :/ I’m glad you like this post.

  5. Beautiful colors! Wow…wish some would come my way! The colors make me want to go quilt! I get hummingbirds (I have 3 feeders) at my house/patio and when the sun shines on their feathers they have the most beautiful bright shiney colors of all shades!

    1. ha! I bet a lot of us wish the same.. I now tempted to put a page on hummingbirds 🙂 Nature has so much to offer us..

  6. Wow, I pinned a few of these photos. They are LOVELY! Be sure to stop by my blog hop tonight and share this? Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop on Ducks’ n a Row goes live at 7pm EDT Tuesdays.

  7. Those pictures are gorgeous. The coloring of the butterflies on the second and third ones is amazing.