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Apartment Living

Guest Article – 5 Things People with Clean Apartments Always Do

Hello, there! I have a guest post on apartment living by Zoe Clark. Scroll down, for some tips to fully enjoy apartment living. Zoe Clark is a journalist, freelance stylist, and blogger. She is a visual storyteller and aesthetician by heart who often writes about decorating and DIY ideas. She loves sparking creativity in people and giving them ideas for their own spaces.

Apartment LivingVia Stadshem

Don’t you sometimes wish you lived in one of those museum-like houses, which look like nobody lives there and where every little thing has its place? Your friends could drop by unannounced anytime and you would not blush with embarrassment because there were still bread crumbs lying on the table from yesterday’s breakfast. Some people seem to have superpowers that enable them to keep their homes clean as a pin all the time (seemingly) without any effort. What if we told you that you too could gain these powers by taking up these 5 habits of tidy people? Try them.

1. Make Your Bed Every Morning

Apartment Living

Via Decouvrir lendroit du decor

There are no good excuses for not making your bed first thing in the morning. It takes no more than 3 minutes. Even if you are late for work, it does not make a difference if you are 30 or 33 minutes late. At least, smooth out the comforter to create a sense of order. This tiny detail will set your day on a completely different course – a productive one. Besides, is there anything more pleasing than coming home from work, tired, and finding your bed made, so you can just slide under the covers and sleep?

2. Clean As You Go

Apartment Living

Via Historiska Hem

If you wait for the mess to reach dramatic proportions before you start dealing with it, at some point it becomes overwhelming and it takes you a lot more time to get your house in order. If you want a house that can be company-ready in 10 minutes, you need to start cleaning as you go. If you are done reading a book, put it back on the shelf. Unload your dishwasher while you are waiting for water to boil. Rinse the cutting board and swipe the countertop while your dinner is cooking in the oven. It takes a lot less time to clean/put back things continuously, than to return to them later.

3. More Stuff Means More Cleaning

Apartment Living

Via Stylizmo blog

More knickknacks on the shelves means more dust to clean. More clothes in your closet means more laundry to do. More furniture means more moving around when vacuum cleaning. So, before anything else, you need to declutter your home and free up storage space. Ask yourself when was the last time you used some of the stuff that are sitting on your desk and gathering dust. If the answer is anything more than a year, get rid of that stuff. This will make regular housekeeping much

4. Never Leave the Dishes for the Next Day

Apartment Living

Via Jonas Berg

Procrastinating and a tidy house never go hand in hand, but this is particularly true when it comes to dirty dishes. If you do not have time to do the dishes straight after a meal, that is fine. Just make sure you soak them well, so the dirt would not harden, and deal with them later. But never leave dirty pots and pans for the next day. You do not want to start your day with a smelly kitchen. Besides, you will probably only have time to deal with them in the evening, and by then you will already have a two-day worth heap of dishes to do.

5. Do Not Neglect the Bathroom

Apartment Living

Via Go Haus

We would all like to forget that this room exists on a cleaning day, but bathroom upkeep should be a weekly habit. Experienced bathroom builders recommend regular cleaning if you want to win the war against the tough and unsightly stains that, if neglected, can only be removed by renovating the entire bathroom.

What are your cleaning habits?


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  1. Thank you for useful information. Waiting for some more useful article like this.

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  3. I need to try and follow this – I am awful at managing to keep everything clean and tidy! x

  4. I need to borrow some of these tips are my apartment is in all states other than clean currently lol. Lovely guest post

  5. I try to keep the house clean and doing more of it when the kids are not here. It helps me to get things done faster. Kitchen and bathrooms are a must every day.

  6. These are great tips. My home is always clean because I love it that way.

  7. Those are some excellent tips. I need to more consistently put these into practice. I have a heard time keeping things tidy especially when busy.

  8. I need to work on cleaning as I go. I also tend to hang onto things longer than I should too. I want to spring clean the house but my body stiff disagrees.

  9. I LOVE having my bed made. Literally one of my favorite things is crawling into a nice tight-made bed!

  10. This photography is beautiful! This is what my dream home would look like 🙂

  11. This is definitely true. Some people are really good at cleaning as they go. I’m not the best at that!

  12. The one thing I’m guilty of is not making up my bed. I am terrible at that but I know that single thing will make the room look a thousand times better.

  13. I always make my bed in the morning. It really helps the room look more pulled together.

  14. I am guilty of doing none of these. Most the time I have dishes in the sink and I never make my bed. I will say when I do have a clean I feel a lot more organized.

  15. I try to always make my bed. It just makes the bedroom look put together. And I hate to wake up to dirty dishes or a dirty kitchen so I always try to tidy the kitchen before bedtime. These are all great ways to keep the house clean.

  16. I try to clean as I go, but then I end up procrastinating. If I could just keep up with it, I would be in great shape.